Monday, March 18, 2013

Gender Prediction

I think it's pretty safe to say that whenever a girl gets pregnant she starts day dreaming about who her baby will be, what they will be, what their personality will be like....and part of this curiosity in the first few months is wondering, is it a boy or is it a girl? Unless you're one of those people who doesn't want to find out, then you wonder for 9 months! Just the thought of that stresses me out haha

I've been sooo curious to know whether little lamb is a boy or a girl that I've gone so far as to look up all the ridiculous baby prediction myths (knowing full well that they're not scientifically accurate). Needless to say I get pretty mixed answers. According to the Chinese calendar I'm having a baby boy. According to my cravings and extensive nausea it's a girl. And then I stumbled upon a scientific study for gender prediction.

This study had a 97.2% accuracy in the prediction of boys and 97.5% accuracy in the prediction of girls. Basically you need to have a very early ultrasound (around 6-9 weeks) and if your baby is on the right side of the picture (that means it's actually the left side of your uterus because the image is mirrored) then you're most likely going to have a girl. If your baby is on the left side of the photo, chances are high that it's a boy.

According to the study, it looks like little lamb is a girl :)

This picture makes me smile, and giggle a little bit because I can't distinguish anything....she/he is so itty bitty! Well...was itty bitty, this was almost a month ago. 

Our next ultrasound is in two weeks and I can't wait to hear the *swoosh swoosh* of the heartbeat again :)

Although John and I are hoping for a boy, we will be ecstatic if baby is a girl. All we really care about is that little lamb is healthy :) 

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