Monday, July 15, 2013

Pregnancy Survey Week 26

How far along? 26 weeks exactly :)

Total weight gain/loss: I'm not was 11 pounds a couple weeks ago but then we went to Maui and I'm SURE I gained a couple there haha

Maternity clothes? lots of stretchy waistband shorts and dresses

Stretch marks? They've finally come :/

Sleep: Getting a little better. I finally got a huge pregnancy pillow and let me tell ya it's a lifesaver!!

Best moment this week: The week just started, can I use a moment from last week? Cuz that would be my brother and sister feeling him kick :)

Movement: A ton and his kicks are getting harder. I swear this kid does karate in there. 

Food cravingsChocolate...lots of chocolate

Gender: Baby boy :) 

Labor Signs: None

Belly Button in or out? I've got an outie folks

Wedding rings on or off?  Off. I might be able to wear them some days, but it's been so hot I don't even try any more 

What I miss: Caffeine. 

What I am looking forward to: Our next appointment and our maternity pictures next month 

Weekly Wisdom: Pay the money for a pregnancy pillow. Don't try body surfing while pregnant. And listen to people's opinion about pregnancy/labor/delivery...but stick to what feels right for you and your baby.

Milestones: We've hit the double digits! 98 more days until our due date :D

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